Since Sentai Filmworks has licensed Another, AnimeSuki will no longer list torrents for it. In addition, the following posts are no longer allowed:
You still are allowed to discuss the anime, that has not changed, but please remember to limit the discussion to the story.
If a Mod notices anyone breaking these rules then expect to be banned from the forums. It's unlikely a warning will be given and do not expect to be notified, you will just be banned. Please use the Report button if you notice any of the above rules being broken.
- Asking where you can find Another downloads.
- Providing links to Another downloads.
- Discussing Another fansub groups (past or present).
- Asking for help downloading Another.
- Asking for playback help for Another episodes.
You still are allowed to discuss the anime, that has not changed, but please remember to limit the discussion to the story.
If a Mod notices anyone breaking these rules then expect to be banned from the forums. It's unlikely a warning will be given and do not expect to be notified, you will just be banned. Please use the Report button if you notice any of the above rules being broken.