So this is probably going to sound strange coming from a guy, but my recent anime watching has been pretty much consumed by harems... and while I have a soft spot for harems, they have one factor that generally makes me bash my head: harem leads tend to be pathetic, and if action is part of the anime, it's usually the girls who are kicking ass. Not to sound sexist or anything here but... I need some recent animes (like within the last two years) where we have a male protagonist who can actually kick ass. While some of the harems I've watched have a guy who can hold his own at some point (Kore wa Zombie, Daimou, I.S., and bits of Freezing and Omamori Himari), I'm looking for animes where the guy is pretty much badass and not a wuss for the majority of the show, especially at the end (though if he turns badass at the end of the show, and I mean before the last couple episodes, that'll work too). Please also note that I'm not even looking for harems in particular; just a show where the male protagonist can kick ass.
... and if possible, I'd prefer that the shows not have a Bad End, but I might not be able to win on that one...
... and if possible, I'd prefer that the shows not have a Bad End, but I might not be able to win on that one...