Welcome to the weekly manga discussion thread for One Piece.
Thread Guidelines
Remember that the manga is licensed, do not post significant parts of the chapter. This includes images, scripts and direct translations of the manga. Summaries are OK, crops of pictures are OK (only if you need to illustrate your point) but this is it.
Spoilers out:
Thread Guidelines
- One Piece is licensed by Viz, please don't ask for or mention where to find or download the manga.
- Please do not discuss scanlations, translation groups, etc., etc.
- Raw requests and offers are not permitted anywhere on this forum.
- Discuss your expectations of the chapter if it has not been published yet.
- Posting a synopses or summary is fine (and welcome).
- Be polite to your fellow forum members.
- Please try to keep the discussion on topic.
- Spoilers will not be policed in this thread, so if you haven't read the chapter yet, just stay out if you don't want to read spoilers.
Remember that the manga is licensed, do not post significant parts of the chapter. This includes images, scripts and direct translations of the manga. Summaries are OK, crops of pictures are OK (only if you need to illustrate your point) but this is it.
Spoilers out:
-As the Volcano erupts, Van der Decken flees (along with Ankoro (the giant angler fish) and Wadatsumi (the giant…giant)). Deciding to follow their example, Luffy begins to order Surume (the Kraken) to take them far away…only see that Surume had already fled :). -As the Volcano erupts, and magma spews forth, the temperature difference creates whirlpools, but Luffy and company manage to flee to the Trench and escape to the bottom of the Sea… -During their escape, rocks begin to fall on the ship (as it heads to the bottom of the Sea). Zoro attempts to cut them, only to be stopped by Robin, explaining that their current depth would kill them instantly. So, Usopp steps in to save the day :). -After they get to the bottom, the crew arrives at Fishman Island (which, for plot convenience, is surrounded by a huge bubble of air). -Once there, the crew is stopped by the local Fishman Pirate crew, led by pike eel Hammond. The pike eel man demands that Strawhat Luffy surrender to him…which of course Luffy refuses to do :). -The chapter ends with the Thousand Sunny using a Coup de Burst (presumably to enter the bubble surrounding the Island). |