Welcome to the weekly manga discussion thread for One Piece.
Thread Guidelines
Remember that the manga is licensed, do not post significant parts of the chapter. This includes images, scripts and direct translations of the manga. Summaries are OK, crops of pictures are OK (only if you need to illustrate your point) but this is it.
Spoilers out:
Thread Guidelines
- One Piece is licensed by Viz, please don't ask for or mention where to find or download the manga.
- Please do not discuss scanlations, translation groups, etc., etc.
- Raw requests and offers are not permitted anywhere on this forum.
- Discuss your expectations of the chapter if it has not been published yet.
- Posting a synopses or summary is fine (and welcome).
- Be polite to your fellow forum members.
- Please try to keep the discussion on topic.
- Spoilers will not be policed in this thread, so if you haven't read the chapter yet, just stay out if you don't want to read spoilers.
Remember that the manga is licensed, do not post significant parts of the chapter. This includes images, scripts and direct translations of the manga. Summaries are OK, crops of pictures are OK (only if you need to illustrate your point) but this is it.
Spoilers out:
Title: Adventure in the Depth -While scouting the depths, Sunny Thousand is attacked by a jellyfish (unknown, how a jellyfish attacks the ship; presumably it is huge). Chopper attempts to touch the jellyfish (maybe trying to talk to it?), but it is poisonous (did he touch it or not?), and Franky blows it away with a Coup de Burst (cant wait to see how that turned out). -Caribou, meanwhile, hides himself in a barrel :). Thinking to himself, he realizes that e cannot control the ship by himself, so he decides not to attempt to fight the rest of the crew until they reach Fishman Island. -As the ship continues its journey, they encounter volcanoes, a massive angler fish (which tries to eat the Thousand Sunny), and a massive giant (described in the spoilers as being as a similar species to San Juan Wolf) who hits the angler fish and admonishes it for attempting to eat the ship (:)), but... -Suddenly, The Flying Dutchman appears (along with accompanying spooky music). The ships captain is Van der Decken (and he and the crew are described as being cursed to wander the seas). And the giant mentioned earlier? Turns out to be a crew member of der Deckens, and they all attack the Thousand Sunny, until -The Kraken (named Surume now) appears helping the Thousand Sunny to escape. It seems Luffy has tamed it during their fall, and the entire crew joins back up together. -The chapter ends with the volcano about to erupt |