This thread is dedicated to letting you share Fairy Tail related images. You may post wallpapers, doujin art, gif or flash animations, etc. that you have found or created.
Some things to remember when posting:
Some things to remember when posting:
- We do not allow the sharing of high-resolution art-book and untranslated manga/novels scans or CG taken directly from the game.
- You should give appropriate credit to the creator of the image.
- Where possible use space separated thumbnails for very large images.
- Keep any risqué content in clearly marked spoiler tags.
- Do not post the images in such a way that they stretch horizontally across the computer screen.
- Simply click on this
icon which can be found in the Quick Reply or Reply to Thread template (and make sure you include a title for the spoiler tag).
- For more information on the spoiler tag, please read the BB Code FAQ.